Sunday, February 15, 2009

To: My royalty....... Love: The Master Artist

i feel like God has been telling me a lot recently. this is probably going to be a lengthy blog... unless i split it up a bit.
some of you have probably already heard me share some of the things i am going to talk about, because i just had to tell you all. im just so in awe of God... how can we remain silent, you know? God's really been prompting me to share the following (:

When you look back into the beginning of the Bible... all the way to Genesis and the Creation story, you'll find that MAN is the only thing God did not speak into existence. He set us apart from the rest of His creation and fashioned us with His hands... then BREATHED HIS BREATH into Adam's lungs. Adam was BREATHING GOD'S AIR!! When God gave us dominion over the rest of the earth, He didn't just do it randomly. He set us apart... why else would we have been created differently? Why do we have souls? The Bible says that God gave life to His creation: including all animals. But it does not say that God breathed His BREATH into them like He did for us.

In that dominion over the earth, He has promised authority over everything.
Including: evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, mighty powers of this dark world, & evil spirits of heavenly places (Ephesians 6:12).

During the times of Jesus if you were very old man and had no heirs to your inheritance, you were supposed to adopt your slave that way when you passed away you would have a human heir. God has adopted us as slaves to sin and darkness and brought us into His perfect Family so that we might be heirs to His throne (Galatians 4:5-7). If you are an heir to a throne, that makes you royalty doesn't it? So picture this: a slave with no hope, filthy and disgusting... a really nice looking King decides that He needs You to be an heir to His throne. So He places a crown on your head and seats you on a golden throne and hands you a scepter... giving you ultimate authority over everything.

Over every thought.
Over every spirit.
Over every demon.
Over every power.
Over all evil.
Over starvation.
Over every temptation.
Over every dart of doubt.
Over every disease and sickness.
Over famine.
Over brokenness.

We are heirs to the throne of Jesus Christ and have His same authority over everything- because we have been created in the image of God. His royalty courses through our blood.

We have no excuses to not except Him. Not to believe. Not not love.
I have at times cried and questioned over why a God so perfect could love a person like me so not-perfect. Doesn't He see what i have done? What i have become? Who i am? Of course. But when He takes off the discipline costume and downs the uniform of Love, He does not see the ugly thoughts as a limit to His movement in the church. He does not see the evil and the spirits and demons and dark powers as a limitation to His Mightiness. He does not see the starvation and famine and overall hunger for the lust of the eyes & flesh, and pride of life as something that would hinder His ability to overflow our empty cups and satisfy our spiritual longing. He is not phased by the disease and sickness. He is not directed away from our brokenness. He is not going to stop pursuing us because of doubt.

When the Almighty God looks down at His creation, He sees His own image... His breath. Its almost like God looking at Himself... how could God- without flaw- not love Himself? Of course He does not love what we have partaken of the world, but He does love the parts of us left untouched and left as He originally fashioned them. And like that glorious day of Creation, God declares that "It is good" over all of us. He looks at everyone of His sons and daughters who have allowed Him to dwell in their hearts as precious and beautiful- and ultimately, He sees us as Royalty.

And He longs to be intimate with us. The Bible says that Adam knew his wife in Genesis- but the way "to know" was used was different than what one would normally expect. He used the Hebrew word YADA which means basically to know someone intimately, to become one person; unified. God wants to us to "yada" Him. To know Him as extremely intimate... not some distant Creator in the corner of our minds that only exists during Sunday morning worship and bible study.

I have been seeing God lately as the Master Artist of a huge piece of artwork of our lives. I already wrote a blog October 2008 called "The Radiant Tapestry" ( so i wont go into detail about really how significant every piece of thread in our lives' tapestry is, but i do want to emphasize that God remains the Master Artist. He holds the brushes and tools used to fashion our future. When we try to steal the brushes out of His hands, we begin to destroy what He originally planned for us. Which gives Him more work to do on our hearts. He only asks us that we let go of our own desires to be in control and let God be. Just like an inexperienced child grabs hold of a paint brush, with untrained use we could ruin the canvas. We only bring disaster by interference. Like i said: He only asks that we be completely yielded in His hands. He makes no idle strokes on our portraits... His every move is of vital creativity and every stroke is apart of the whole composition. Let it be. Let Him be- so that when it is finished we might say in unison with our God: "It is good."

chelsea cameron
february 15, 2009

ps. i need to credit amanda for telling me about YADA... then Real World Worship Center Pastor Williams emphasized it today in church.