Friday, May 30, 2008

Just Take a Deep Breath

so lately i have been really overwhelmed with my crazy schedule and last night i had a little "break down". as i spewed everything out to my mom, tears just continued to flow. and to make a long story short, my mom eventually left my room for a minute and hailey came and sat in my bed with me.

she gave me a hug just as any other almost 5 year old would do.
but she didnt let go.
she just held onto me. and that just made me cry all over again. and harder than the first time. hailey rubbed my back as i sobbed into her little shoulders and held her tightly. she whispered continually: "its okay, chelsea. its okay." finally she pulled away. i expected her to go back in her bed or something, but instead, she placed her hands on my shoulders and said, "Okay, just take a deep breath. Like this [and she demonstrated how to take the deep breath]."

I know that may not seem worth a blog, but that made a difference in my attitude for the rest of the night. I am so thankful for what i have here... my sister Hailey means the world to me.

be expecting a new blog soon...

thanks for your time

1 comment:

Julie said...

i think it is worthy of a blog. really cool story.