i really want to blog. but i'm not really sure what to say. the past several days have been very busy... every time i sat down to blog and knew what i was going to say, i would be interrupted by some sort of call: by phone, by chores, by Megan Louise Brown, by snow, by exhaustion, etc. it's okay though... i
love being busy. and i
hate being bored more than anything.
we've been learning about figurative language in my English class at school. there are three types:
- metaphor- an implied comparison
- simile- a comparison using "like" or "as"
- personification- giving human characteristics inhuman objects or ideas
and then there's the
analogy is
an extended comparison with at least three points of similarity between two objects.
all of that to say, i have come up with an
analogy of my mind that is being compared to....
[[a chicken enchilada actually. because chicken is my favorite meat. though, ground beef will do, too. but chicken is the best... especially from chick fil a. but that's beside the point...]]
my three points of similarity:- Just as an enchilada is filled with many different elements, so my mind is filled to capacity with a "cornucopia" of thoughts. (i have always wanted to use that word in a blog...)
- An enchilada is never just good by itself... to me at least. It needs sour cream on the top. and maybe some chopped onions. In the same way, my brain.... actually, i cant think of how to compare the necessity of sour cream and onions on an enchilada to my mind. so... skip that one.
- I cant think of a third point of similarity... fail.
Okay so, my analogy severely lacks all points of similarity. But i think it's still a good comparison. The intent of that was just a creative way of sharing that...
... there is SO much on my mind!!see, normal people just tell you that. but. i didnt want to be just a normal person.
anywho. it's true though, i've got my future school decisions bugging me. actually i've got my
future bugging me period. i have to get a job that fits around my soccer schedule... which is kind of hard. cause i have practice every day except wednesdays and weekends. and i dont really want to just work on wednesdays and weekends. and i feel like
chick fil a would be the best bet for working a schedule like that. except that i couldnt work on sunday.
and i dont even want to work at cfa. idk, though. it's not like i dont go there every day anyways... ugh.
annoying decisions.i'm also thinking about people i miss a lot.
cough* Michelle Malpaya & Joni Duerme....)
sometimes i wish that God wouldnt place amazing people in my life. cause it's so easy to love amazing people. and then the amazing people have to go on with their lives: go back to school, move to other states, or other countries. i wouldn't have a problem with this if
keeping in touch was easier. even with facebook, it's not easy.
but yeah.
there's another
4,566,348,340 miles of thoughts stretching around my mind, but i wont get into that now i guess.
especially cause i have to get off now.
my momma has to do bills on the computer.
so. there goes another pointless blog...
i guess one cant completely avoid them.i dont really have many deep thoughts running about as of this moment to put together an intense thought provoking blog.
thats quite a bit on your mind. maybe dwell more on the subject over a meal @ Plaza Azteca? food for thought, i'd say
haha maybe i should. i tried thinking of another analogy, but "enchilada" just stood out to me too much. maybe there's an inward longing for one somewhere in that busy mind of mine...
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