Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Sovereignty of God

This is faith: to surrender to a being I can't feel physically, to deny my strength and place all my trust in something I can't explain. To believe in a form that is formless but still fully formed. I could never quite apply God's sovereignty to my life. I didn't understand what His supremacy meant to me, and how it effected my relationship with Him. Now, instead of trying to grasp the idea of someone ruling over me, I am learning what it means to let God be in control over every part of my life. Control- the act of being in charge of the outcome or the result of a situation no matter the circumstances. To my pride's dismay, I am beyond incapable of this power. For the longest time, it was hard for me to define “sovereignty.” Application is one the keys to my ability to learn; by the lack of my realization of God's control in my life, I felt like I could not relate to His sovereignty. I have become more aware of my effort to be in control, and less aware of God's ability to hold everything together no matter my attempt to be supreme. I end up surrendering to Him almost every time, however it takes me falling into intense anxiety to get to that point. My mind shuts down, I become unbearably overwhelmed, and I ultimately give up and fall into depression. If I see a task too unbearable, I generally surrender every ounce of perseverance inside and I forget the sovereignty of God through my circumstance. Because of this, I miss out on the peace of God. This season, I would like to practice surrender in the area of control. I must trust that HE is in control whether or not I see it that way. Though I fail at every attempt to be dominant and in control, Yahweh is sovereign; He always will be.

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