Sunday, October 19, 2008

-----my God can move mountains-----

this night began with confusion... my worship consisted only of me crying out to God for some sort of "sign"... some sort of hope. but after i confessed what i knew of God and His MAJESTY.. everything came together. after i was prayed for, something started to change. but this time, its different. i know i say that every time.. but this time, i feel different in the way that i feel content with God in the way that He reveals Himself to me. so what if its not my way?

i learned so much earlier... and i cant even begin to put into words what meant the most to me. i appreciate the realness of those who sacrificed their time tonight to listen to me. i appreciate how God worked through them. i am starting to feel hopeful....

ok, tonight someone told me about something interesting. God in His Sovereignty and Hugeness was there even before the world was created, of course. With his existence were angels. Perfect holy angels created without a blemish in God's sight. However, the Bible tells us that 1/3 of the entire celestial kingdom denounced God in their pride. Even the angles fall down... God created me a human. Born into a sin nature- Prone to fall. If the most holy of all creatures make mistakes, then why do we beat ourselves up over the mistakes we made. I was created with God knowing that i was going to mess up. He knew that i was going to fail in my witness to His world, He knew that i was going to be ashamed of Him, He knew that i was going to curse the good things He established, He knew my thoughts, He knew of my mistrust and lack of faith in Him, He knew it all. He knows of the times we will FAIL. Yet, He still freakin allowed His Son to be SACRIFICED to save us... to rescue us. And he tells us that he wouldnt take it back... even if i were the only one to die for, Jesus would still take on the burden on the cross for ME. and He would do it again and again and again if He had to. He cares and loves me that much!!

so when are we going to shut up and listen to Him? stop crying out for help and love that He has already given us? when am i going to accept that he thinks i am perfection in the making? when will we allow Him to really come into our lives? we are constricting Him to our hearts... what about the rest of us? our minds and will? its like we have placed Him in a box and told Him that he is not permitted to leave. We dig him out when we need Him to help us out with something, but overall, God remains in that tiny box inside of our hearts trying to escape. You know whats cool? God is God. He doesnt run out of energy like we do... He is gonna keep trying to hop out of the constraints we have placed on Him. He is inside jumping like a mad man trying to get our attention. and He wont slow down till He's got us again.

oh wow... there are so many thoughts i still want to share. i dont know how to sort them all out though... theres just too much!! AGH!!

more for next time hopefully =]


ps. God, You are seriously moving right now... I said this earlier tonight, but i want to re-emphasize it. If You were not planning something HUGE, there would not be this outrageously thick pull of darkness over the youth of today's society. The spirit of depression is pushing itself onto us and trying to grab hold of what "goodness" we have left in us- to throw it away. Whatever you have up Your sleeve, God, has to be pretty amazing.. because our enemy- satan, is so not happy with it. he is obviously attacking us... without Your flame there is no way we can stand against this. Your the energy we need to hold our ground and remain in our battle stance. I thank You for the way you worked in so many hearts tonight, and this whole week at school. Let's keep this heat blazing... the fire burning. NOTHING CAN QUENCH YOU... nothing can quench the flames of Your love. keep it going God... keep it going. If you can physically move mountains like You say You can, then i KNOW that you can move the mountains that we have in our lives. i know that you can move them. leave it to the God of the universe to pick up entire land structures and remove them from the ground to be placed elsewhere. leave it to You to work in things as drastic as Your creation. Psh, if You can move mountains, You are MIGHTY ENOUGH TO SAVE. You are rescuing us from drowning in the plague of demonic spirits trying to DESTROY us... You've caught us in Your gigantic hands... and now You are cuddling us close to Your heart in your loving arms... You are so amazing... so intensely amazing.

1 comment:

Tracy said...

can't wait to hear more of this in person. thanks for sharing these words.

you seem to have "got" what we've been talking about off and on in youth group over the past several months....not always searching for proof but just knowing and also as you said, absorbing the reality and miracle of Jesus' sacrifice.

love you much, chelsea girl. i'm proud of you...not for what you do, just for who you are.