Sunday, October 26, 2008

The Radiant Tapesty

Drawing near to God results in change inwardly and outwardly. Let us hold unswervingly with hope in the one who is faithful to His promises.

In His own beauty, Christ has transformed our brokenness into a piece of refined gold purified through blazing flames. And though He allows us to be placed inside of this fire temporarily, He assured us that we would be redeemed from the hand of the enemy and glorified through His faithfulness. God placed each person with their surrounding circumstances- hopeful AND despair- knowing the end product. This God and His Son most Holy of All even accompanied men of the Old Testament as they were placed in a physical furnace. How can we not believe that we are accompanied in this Spiritual furnace? How can we not believe that God is walking along side of us and holding us in His arms in this fiery furnace of life? He is a Father who knows what is best for His children, even if we cannot presently visualize His plan.

His will for us is like a tapestry... when examined up close, the colors all run together and seem blurry- full of confusion and disorientation. But when this seemingly hopeless tapestry is analyzed from a distance, the view of this image becomes wholesome and purposeful. The plan for each thread starts to make sense and the object in its entirety comes together with a purpose. The blur of the artwork comes together with clarity. The dark colors of anguish mix with the pale comatose colors of utter numbness. The bright colors are entwined amidst the hopeless ones. The rich colors enhance the beauty of the darkness and altogether, they become radiant with unity.

This is how the God of the universe sees our lives. He doesn't view it in divided sections... He sees the whole picture.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

right on friend. this is awesome. tapestry is an awesome metaphor, i love it!