Tuesday, August 31, 2010

A Little Longer

WOW... today's been INSANE.
-sbx run before my classes from 9 AM to 6:30!
-lots of homework and a panera break in between.
-then my baby brother's birthday party.
-then a sbx run again (Iced Venti Black and White Marble Mocha- minus one shot, plus one pump).
-then LAUNDRY.
-then my kitty went missing and i was really scared....
-then I FOUND HER! then i cuddled with her and took care of her.
-and now i'm settling down.
-only to work DOUBLES tomorrow and thursday.

wowzers!! :O

geez, this week's been insane... i've been pushing myself too much... it's too hard.
work, school, friends and boyfriend if i have time, etc. it's insane.. im too tired.
i had a breakdown the other day. it just all finally overwhelmed me too much!
but then i remembered................................. God's peace cancels out anxiety. SO, i've been trying to put that truth into practice.

First off, i need to have some of that Mary-Diligence... like in the story of Mary and Martha. It's time to sit at His feet and just listen and learn and let those other things go for a minute. It's like that song by Brian and Jenn Johnson... It's called "A Little Longer." One part of the song is like God is speaking to us and He says "You don't have to do a thing. Just simply be with me and let those things go... They can wait another minute. Wait, this moment is too sweet, would you please stay here with Me? and love on me a little longer? I'd love to be with you a little longer... cause I'm in love with you..."

I think that's beautiful. So, that's my goal. To "let those things go"... and pray for supernatural energy to get those things done when it's time to. He gets my time first though. I just need prayer and motivation for that though... It's hard when I'm in the moment and have so much to do. But i love Him too much to not try.

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