Thursday, July 1, 2010

Jesus, i miss You...

i gots two jobs now. county grill & texas steakhouse.
as much as i thought i DID NOT like texas steakhouse... its weird to know that i really have come to love it. i think i realized how good i had it there the day i turned in my application for county grill. sad face.


i miss soccer. and exercising. i think im gonna run down to a little beach thing this morning. get some energy out. exercising is good for people who have trouble sleeping... and i've had a lot of trouble sleeping lately. so im gonna do something bouts that (:

i wish i could navigate this post into something really deep and thought provoking.
maybe some Jesus time will give me some inspiration. i miss just spending hours on end with Him...
thats what im gonna do this morning i think. just completely soak myself in His presence. at the beach. good stuff... (:

catcha later<3

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